8 oz.

Home/8 oz.
  • Holy Basil Leaf

    Ocimum tennuiflorum cut and sifted leaf
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    Humulus lupus flowers
  • Lemon Balm

    Melissa officinalis cut and sifted leaf
  • Linden Flowers

    Tilia cordata cut and sifted flower, leaf and bract
  • Lobelia in seed

    Lobelia inflata cut stems in seed
  • Marshmallow Leaf

    Althea officinalis cut and sifted leaf
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    Marshmallow Root

    Althea officinalis cut and sifted root
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    Milky Oats

    Avena Sativa, milky seed pods
  • Motherwort Leaf

    Leonorus cardiaca cut and sifted leaf
  • Mugwort Leaf

    Artemisa vulgaris cut and sifted leaf
  • Mullein Leaf

    Verbascum olympicum cut and sifted leaf
  • Nettle Leaf

    Urtica dioca cut and sifted leaf
  • NEW Bliss Tea Blend

    Description: Makes a great tea, hot or iced for relaxing on those days when relaxation might just be out of reach without it! Infused with relaxing herbs, and flavored by our sweet holy basil, this tea blend is perfect for a rainy or sunny day. Ingredients: Organic oat tops, organic tulsi leaf and flower, organic skullcap leaf and flower, organic cornflowers. Aroma and taste: Relaxing and floral. Brew time: 3-4 minutes
  • Out of stock
    Description: This hot tea can help to clear and move any stuckness in the respiratory tract.   Ingredients:  organic bee balm leaf, organic peppermint leaf, organic sage leaf, organic marshmallow leaf, organic eucalyptus leaf, organic cayenne pepper.  Aroma and taste: Clearing and spicy.  Brew time: 3-4 minutes
  • NEW Get Well Tea Blend

    Description: These herbs can be immune boosting, virus busting and lymph moving with major anti-oxidants that may help combat respiratory sickness.   Ingredients:  organic echinacea flower and leaf, organic peppermint leaf, organic lemon balm leaf, calendula flower, organic elderflower, organic honeset leaf.  Aroma and taste: Cooling and nourishing.  Brew time: 6-7 minutes
  • Description: This tea can be protective, nourishing and comforting and may help ease those big heart feels   Ingredients:  organic oatstraw, organic linden flower and bract and leaf, organic chamomile flower, organic ashwagandha root, organic morthwort leaf, organic cornflower and organic rose petals.  Aroma and taste: Flowery and nourishing.  Brew time: 5-6 minutes
  • Description: Treat your body the way it deserves. Ingredients: Organic oat straw, Organic lemon balm leaf leaf, Organic tulsi leaf, Organic ashwagandha root, Organic nettle leaf, Organic marshmallow leaf. Aroma and taste: Relaxing with uplifting mint and lemon flavors. Brew time: 3-4 minutes
  • Description: A great all around remedy that may help all kinds of allergies: pollen, dust, mold, and even animal hair. This blend of herbs can create an antihistamine like effect formulated to relieve symptoms caused by an exposure to allergens Ingredients: Organic nettle leaf, Organic calendula blossoms, Organic goldenrod flower, Organic marshmallow leaf Aroma and taste: Soothing with pine and mineral overtones. Brew time: 5-6 minutes
  • Description: These herbs may be relaxing and perfect to drink before sleep to promote peaceful dreams. Ingredients: all organic: catnip, chamomile, oatstraw, skullcap, mugwort, hops.  Aroma and taste: Floral and green. Brew time: 2-3 minutes
  • Description: Best drank after a busy day, unwind and relax with a cup or two of this tasty tea! Ingredients: all organic: oatstraw, chamomile, lemon balm, california poppy, wood betony, rose. Aroma and taste: Relaxing and floral. Brew time: 2-3 minutes